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TV series for bloggers

Gossip Girl 

Gossip girl is available on Netflix in India. Gossip girl TV series have 7.5 IMDb rating.

Best TV show for Bloggers
Credits: IMDb

Gossip girl have total of around 200,000 votes when sorted by popularity descending on IMDB website.

Hence, it is one of the most popular shows.

This TV shows for aspiring blogger can teach them the essence of blogging.

When was gossip girl started?

Though gossip girl was filmed between September 19, 2007, to December 17, 2012, it looks relevant even today.

Gossip Girl Total seasons and episodes

Gossip Girl have total six seasons. The last season of gossip Girl, that is, the sixth season have 10 episodes in total. 

What are we learning from Gossip Girl TV series?

We have learnt so much about blogging from Gossip Girl TV series. Your blog post must not be too short or too long. It should be written in a balanced manner. A blog post must be long enough to get the ideas out. But short enough to not be a boring post.
Sometimes it can be just a picture or a video, or some tool that you have developed to track the location of persons.


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