Hi guys, do you want full marks in the IGNOU assignment like I did?
Your assignment file presentation plays an important role in buying you extra marks.
They say that you cannot judge a book by its cover. But it's not true for the students writing assignments.
You must have a proper file during the IGNOU assignment submission.
Is file necessary for IGNOU assignment ?
Yes it is necessary if you want to score good marks in IGNOU assignment
Where can you get these IGNOU assignment files from?
You should buy these assignment files for IGNOU from the local stationery shop. Try to find a wholesale stationary shop instead of a retail shop. You will get these IGNOU assignment files in a lesser amount from a wholesale stationary shop.
How much would these assignment files cost?
The most important question of this post is what would be the cost of these IGNOU assignment files. Since you will be buying the paper files you will get them at as cheap as rupees 5 (in September 2023). I got it at the same price at a local stationery shop.
Paper file or plastic file for IGNOU assignments?
I asked the same question in one of my counselling sessions with the study coordinator. She told me that it is always better to use paper files for a good impression of your IGNOU assignments.
Plastic files are non-eco-friendly. And they are mostly not recycled. So, it is better to use the biodegradable files for IGNOU assignments.
IGNOU assignment files are exactly not paper files they are paper board files. Like, they are thicker than paper.
Look at the IGNOU assignment files
This picture of the IGNOU assignment file also attaches the cover page.
You can see in the picture what marks bagger assignment files look like.
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