How can you download the official IGNOU logo?
Over the internet, you will get many IGNOU logos. Some are original some are forged.
How to find the official IGNOU logo?
You can find the official IGNOU logo by going to Ignou's website
That is
The next step would be to right-click on the IGNOU logo, which you can find in the top corner of the page.
Now click save as
Select the path to which you are going to download the IGNOU logo.
Tada! you have downloaded the original IGNOU logo
To save you from this mess we have already done these above steps and providing one for you.
Although this is the official IGNOU logo, you can crop it down to make it compact.
This IGNOU logo has the highest pixels/quality.
How come?
Because it is downloaded from the official IGNOU website.
You can click save as here, to download the official IGNOU logo and use it anywhere.
Where can you use the IGNOU logo?
- On the assignments' front page
- On the project's front page
- On the thesis front page
- In your resume/CV etc.
In all these places, you can use the IGNOU logo.
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