Money is a tool. Nothing more, nothing less. Tom Ferry Money in the hands of the right person thrives. In the hands of the wrong person, it becomes devastating. The Best Financial Tips Taken From the Wealthy The financial tips in this post will help you not only to become rich, but wealthy. These are the well-researched tips taken from wealthy men. Save and invest in good causes. What is a good cause? The cause that is a boon to you and others, is an example of a good cause. Invest in your dreams. The dreams that would benefit you and your dependents. Do not buy anything for the sake of showing off. I can recall an example of Monica Geller of Friends TV series. She buys $100 shoes only to show off. After wearing them she realizes that the shoes are very uncomfortable. In the end, she had to confess, "the shoe bite." Do not purchase liabilities with what little you have. I have seen people who often spend money to buy a car and, they would seldom use it. Maintain in
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