Searching over the internet you can rarely find answers to this question.
Lucky you, if you have found this website.
I have flipped over 758 questions that were asked to doctor Kalam by students.
Many students were curious to find, "who is the role model of Abdul Kalam?"
One student was clever enough to give 4-5 options to Dr Kalam to choose from. She had good knowledge about doctor Kalam. She already knew some persons in Kalam's life, who have influenced Abdul Kalam. For example, Jalaluddin, Shamsuddin, Sivasubramania Iyer etc.
Abdul Kalam kept consistent with his answer. He answered her the same thing that he generally answers everybody.
His parents and his middle school teacher, sir Sivasubramania Iyer, are the persons who inspired Dr Kalam.
In other instances, one student asked, "who is your ideal?" Abdul Kalam added, professor Vikram Sarabhai and professor Satish Dhawan were the ideals of Dr Kalam.
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